TAAE Genius Bar

Save the Date!


Greetings, TAAE Members.

TAAE is pleased to announce it will be showcasing a Genius Hour before the 2021 Conference. It’s the first time this virtual event has been planned for its members. All TAAE registered members will be able to participate in this free event on Saturday, October 10, 2020 from 9AM to Noon. Non-members and those not interested in joining TAAE can register for the planned event for a nominal fee of $50. Save by joining TAAE. An individual membership is only $40.

In order to attend, you must be a paid member or register and sign up no later than October 5, 2020. Campuses of 1-10 can sign up for $300, while campuses of 11-30, can sign up for $400. Campuses of 31-50 can become members for $600. Each campus member will be required to sign up with a school email.

Please mark your calendars and plan to enjoy three hours of informal virtual sessions. These sessions are come and go; you can enter and exit a session as you so desire by entering the zoom meeting links. Some sessions planned for the event are SEL-Social Emotional Learning, CTE, Alternative School Administrators, and Newcoming Teachers to Alternative Education. Please come, share, and gleam from other members. We are looking forward to having you.

It is that time of year to Renew your membership!

2020 - 2021 membership renewal
TAAE Membership Has Its Perks

After a well thought out planning session among board members and conference committee members, Genius Hour became the latest and newest perk of membership. This October 10, 2020 from 9AM to 12 Noon, TAAE members have the opportunity to attend a three-hour Genius Hour session virtually.

Annual membership runs from October 1, 2020-September 30, 2021. In order to attend you must be a paid member and sign up no later than October 5, 2020. An individual membership is $40. Campuses of 1-10 can sign up for $300, while campuses of 11-30, can sign up for $400. Campuses of 31-50 can become members for $600. Each campus member will be required to sign up with a school email. Some of the many topics proposed for the Genius Hour are SEL-Social Emotional Learning, CTE, Alternative School Administrators, and Newcoming Teachers to Alternative Education.

Please take this opportunity to connect with other teachers, administrators, and staff from districts all over the state to interact and learn during these informative and interactive sessions. Facilitators for the TAAE Genius Hour Sessions are also needed. Nonmembers or anyone not interested in joining TAAE may sign up and pay the $50 fee to attend.

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