Our Story
It is the mission of TAAE to create a supportive network committed to providing a quality education for all students in Alternative Education. This network provides for sharing techniques, methods, and pertinent information.
Texas Association for Alternative Education - TAAE
The Texas Association for Alternative Education is an association for alternative educators and related-field professionals. The Association is comprised of teachers, counselors, Texas Youth Commission workers, probation officers, school-of-choice alternative education campuses, disciplinary alternative education campuses, alternative programs, charter schools, juvenile justice alternative programs, and administrators who believe in the worth of every student’s education.
TAAE Goals
The Goals of TAAE are:
● To unite professionals dedicated to providing and promoting quality education for students in alternative education
into a state association.
● To support comprehensive training programs for educators engaged in the field of alternative education.
● To collaborate with agencies that support the goals of alternative education.
● To involve educators in the legislative and governmental processes to promote and advance the purposes of the profession.
● To promote the Educator's Code of Ethics.