The Taylor Marceau Scholarship

Taylor Marceau

The Taylor Marceau TAAE Scholarship is open to any student graduating from a Texas Alternative Education program each school year who wishes to attend college or vocational school. Two scholarships of $1,000.00 will be awarded during the annual TAAE Conference.

The 2024 - 2025 Taylor Marceau
Scholarship Award


The Deadline is April 2, 2025!

Thanks for all the Scholarship award entries.  We had Fourteen applicants submitted scholarship applications this year.

Online Application

You can fill out the online application by clicking the button to the right.

Hardcopy Application

You can fill out the Hardcopy Application by clicking the button to the right.

Congrats to the 2023 -2024 Taylor Marceau

Scholarship Award Winners

  1. Haylie Barber Huntsville ISD

  2. Kyle Handy, Dickinson ISD

Congrats to the 2022 Taylor Marceau

Scholarship Award Winners

  1. Alesha Shahid, Texas Virtual Academy at Hallsville

  2. Lailah Rodriguez, Tuloso-Midway ISD

Congrats to the 2021 Taylor Marceau

Scholarship Award Winners

  1. Jessica Moore, Teague ISD

  2. Axel Arrendondo, Corsicana ISD

Congrats to the 2020 Taylor Marceau

Scholarship Award Winners

  1. Infinity Campbell, December ‘20 graduate of Perrin Learning Center in Sherman ISD

  2. Elila DeLeon, Senior at Tuloso-Midway Academic Career Center in Tuloso-Midway ISD

  3. Kai Trevino, Senior at Tuloso-Midway Academic Career Center in Tuloso-Midway ISD

Congrats to the 2019 Taylor Marceau

Scholarship Award Winners

  1. Stephanie Brown, Lions Academy, Teague ISD
  2. Joseph Ruiz, Accelerated Center for Education, Galena Park ISD
  3. Jared Recio, Tuloso-Midway Academic Center, Tuloso-Midway ISD
  4. Bryan Castaneda, Corsicana High School, Corsicana ISD

We would like to thank all the Students who entered.

Congrats to the 2018 Taylor Marceau

Scholarship Award Winners

  1. Austin Cox
  2. Alyssa Romine
  3. Imari Walker


Taylor Marceau

Taylor Marceau was diagnosed with hemophilia when he was a baby. His blood had a hard time clotting.
Whenever he had a bruise we would have to inject clotting factor made from human blood.
Despite this he lead a relatively normal life and he was always active and positive.
He was very intelligent and did well in school but then something unexpected happened.
A blood borne disease was discovered in the early 1980’s. It was first known as GRID. Later it was called AIDS.
When Taylor was 7 we were told he had probably received blood products from someone infected with the disease.
For years he really had no problems. But when he was 16 he was infected with a virus in his spinal column.
He could no longer attend Churchill where he was junior.
We enrolled him in ACE Academy the alternative High School in the Northeast district.
He loved ACE. The kids were real, no pretense, no hidden agendas, no cliques, just hard working, motivated, good kids.
The teachers were bright, energetic, innovative and FUN. It was a great place.
Even when Taylor could no longer come to school, one of the teachers would come to our house and continue his lessons.
As bad as it got for Taylor, he never complained. He was always positive and ready to do something.
The disease proved too much for him. He died in November in 1994.

The Taylor Marceau TAAE Scholarship is open to any student graduating from a Texas Alternative Education program each school year who wishes to attend college or vocational school.