TAAE 2024-2025 Committees

Bylaws Committee

John Schaefer, Past President, Chair

This committee shall compile and make recommendations of proposed Bylaws amendments to the Executive Board; at General Meetings and the Annual Conference and be chaired by a paid professional parliamentarian as the Board determines.

The Bylaws committee consists of a minimum of three active members.

Derrick Crowder

Conference Committee

Jumana Mills, VP, Chair

April Lyman
Tara Sanchez
John Schaefer
Dr. Lisa Rogers
Mary Dowd
Katrina Martinez
Tricia J. Times
Dr. Charles Ned
Charles Etheridge
Sharonda Johnson
Carrie Williams
Amanda Godfrey

The Conference Committee is responsible for implementing the Annual Conference seminars. Responsibilities shall include development of programs, speakers, site selection, and the good and welfare of TAAE attendees.

This committee seeks a host chapter or sponsor for future annual conferences with review of local chapter presentations and deliberations by the committees

The committee recommends future sites to the Executive Board. Site selections shall be made by the Executive Board of Directors.

The conference committee core group consists of a minimum of five active members

Finance Committee

Amanda Godfrey,Treasurer, Chair

April Lyman
Tricia J. Times

The Finance Committee recommends the policies governing the fiscal operation of the Association throughout the fiscal year, which begins on October 1 and ends on September 30 inclusively.

The committee is responsible for preparing and presenting a provisional annual budget for the ensuing fiscal year at the Annual Conference.

The Finance Committee is also responsible for preparing and presenting an annual budget for the ensuing fiscal year subject to approval of the Executive Committee.

The Finance Committee consists of of a minimum of three and a maximum of five active members.

Scholarship & Awards Committee

Sharonda Johnson, Secretary, Chair

Faith Smith-Chew
Teresa Jones
Derrick Crowder
Dwana Finster
John Chilcoat

The Scholarship Committee reviews the student scholarship applications and selects a pre-approved number of applicants to receive a pre-designated amount of scholarship money.

The committee consists of at least three active members.

The Committee is also responsible for developing , soliciting, and selecting awards to be presented at the Annual Conference. These include the president's plaque, scholarship awards, special recognition awards, and the life membership award.

This committee is also responsible for submitting and promoting Association members for awards or recognition at regional levels and with other agencies or associations.

The Awards Committee consists of a minimum of three and a maximum of five active members.

Membership Committee

Carrie Williams, Membership Liaison Chair

Mary Dowd
John Chilcoat
Tarla Bates

The Membership Committee recommends changes regarding membership.
This committee is to engage in activities which increase membership and promote active membership.

Social Media & Blog/ Website

Stan Reed, Executive Director Chair

Amanda Godfrey

Teresa Jones

The Social Media & Blog / website Committee recommends changes regarding the Website along with posts for both the Social Media and blog.
The Committee is responsible for collecting meaningful articles and compiling them for the TAAE Blog. Articles are from members, board members, or other knowledgeable parties. The articles are those of interest concerning alternative education, accountability, student needs, and legislation affecting alternative education.

The Web Site Committee recommends changes regarding website issues.
The Web Site Committee is responsible for keeping current and relative information on the Web site which promotes and enhances the association's goals.

Legislative Committee

MR. CHARLES ETHRIDGE, President-Elect, Chair

Tarla Bates

The Legislative Committee recommends changes regarding legislative and governmental issues and positions related to the promotion and advancement of the purposes of the profession and the Association. Its recommendations shall be subject to approval by the Executive Board at its next regular meeting or called meeting. Recommendations shall be made to the Executive Board for actions and promotional activities designed to promote TAAE legislative initiatives.

This committee strives to keep constant contact with state leaders at TEA and legislators moving bills that concern he field of alternative education.

The Legislative Committee strives to have a legislative agenda prepared by November 30 of each coming legislative year as recommendations to the Board.

This committee actively promotes Association positions and disseminates information to legislative and other governmental bodies.

The Legislative committee consists of a minimum of five active members