October Is Children’s Health Month
Top Ten Ways to Make Your School Healthier
Clear the air inside. The EPA’s Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools program provides information and tips on how to
help schools prevent and solve indoor air quality problems.
Clear the air outside. Schools can reduce children’s exposure to engine exhaust by eliminating unnecessary vehicle
idling, installing effective emission control systems on newer buses and replacing the oldest buses with new ones.
Reduce/remove radon in school buildings. Schools should test the level of radon gas in their buildings. No radon
level is healthy. If the test results are at, or above, 4pCi/L, appropriate mitigation steps should be taken to reduce the
radon level.
Use chemicals carefully. Possible health, safety and environmental implications should be considered before
chemicals are purchased for use in schools. Do not allow outside, unauthorized chemicals to be brought into the
school. Proper chemical use and management (storage, labeling, and disposal) is critical for reducing chemical
exposures and costly accidents.
Test the water. School districts should test the drinking water in their school buildings regularly.
Get the lead out. School buildings built prior to 1978 must be tested for lead paint. Renovations or repairs must be
done in a way that does not create lead dust. Children should be kept away from lead hazards inside and outside of
school buildings.
Eliminate Mercury. School environments should be mercury-free. Schools should use digital thermometers and safer
alternatives to mercury in science curriculum, nurses’ offices and within facilities operations and maintenance.
Cover up. Schools should practice “sunsafe behavior” and encourage children to cover up, use SPF 30 or higher
broad-spectrum sunscreen, and stay out of midday sun to avoid damaging UV rays.
Use toxics with caution. Schools should look for alternatives to toxic pesticides and cleaning chemicals. Remove
sources of lead, mercury, asbestos, and PCBs from the school environment.
Educate yourself. Know which environmental health issues affect your school and how to address them.
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